These are universal laws in that may we all live by and in Gods will let there purely be divine peace, love, and balance within all. These are divine laws in that which when are followed, are following all that has been preached to obtain; let there be nothing but pure love, peace, and balanced left to live in pure harmony amongst each other.

The 7 GuidelinesA guide to life's journey1 One shall not let the decisions made by others, affect their own growth and existence. A human can only control their own decisions. One shall act only on what is best for them in alignment of growth within all included & concerned; One's thoughts, words, actions, and feelings shall not interfere with the growth of others potential outcomes. Acknowledge one's own decisions and hold responsibility for their own thoughts, words, actions, and feelings, and how they may affect themselves or others growth. To learn from the result of every own decision and apply the lessons toward the better future with all the 4 areas of oneself. 2 It is one's own responsibility to seek the truth and lesson within thyself and every situation, moment, and outcome. To learn from own life experience for own growth and to accept every moment as it is what it is. Ones emotions shall not affect self decisions. Decisions shall be made between the alignment of logical thoughts and intuition. Tame thy mind of thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Ones emotions are part of the human experience, and it's only up to oneself to learn to filter them, understand them, and grow from them. 3
Ones emotions shall not affect self decisions. Decisions shall be made between the alignment of logical thoughts and intuition. Tame thy mind of thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. Ones emotions are part of the human experience, and it's only up to oneself to learn to filter them, understand them, and grow from them. 4 It is one's own responsibility to think, speak, act, and feel within unconditional love for thyself and others, otherwise the experience of fear and hate will only affect thyself and others. Faith and love is what will keep peace within everything. We shall only compare to strive towards our better true self. Love, peace, and joy are the qualities that shall be implemented within all growth. 5 All decisions made shall be in aligned focus of the human purpose; being to live our full potential and to contribute it to life. (Do this by following these 7 guidelines), Find your strengths aligned with your passions and grow with it, be the best at it, master it and be of service to others with it. To always seek lesson, learn and grow, accept all as it is, love others and all without judgment and expectation, and service your strengths and passions to others of this world.
6 The truth always exists whether we seek it, find it, or believe it, no matter what happens within this human experience. All is what it is, so thinking, speaking, acting, and feeling the truth will always set one free of all pain, and lead to experience full understanding, love, peace, and oneness. A lie will only affect oneself and own outcomes within life, leading thyself to lies undesired within. The truth will lead to the truth, desired within all experienced throughout life, but one must have faith that the future outcome will always have positivity within. All outcomes are positive when the lesson is found as growth is always positive. Seeking the truth will lead you to lesson. 7 Answer and speak with question, not conclusion or judgment; keep an open mind and make sense of what you currently know as conclusion until you learn more. We are here together, we are all one, we must guide each other through our experiences, not judge them. Help each other grow by helping each other through our experiences, not judge them. Help each other find their own answer that works best for them and the growth of all included and concerned. To love all unconditionally without judgement and expectation of all others and outcomes we experience. To seek growth for all.
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